We've looked into the combat-system, swapping out the old plugin we were using with a new one that granted us more opportunities to ensure the fairness amongst all players. As one of the more recent updates included changes to Crystal-PVP, we wanted to make sure these changes persist outside of Crystal-PVP as well.
Take a look at what has changed below:
- If a head drops in PVP (75% chance of happening), the killer receives 15% of your total balance upon selling the head (/sellhead)
- Stat-Trak your weapons! Adding Stat-Trak to your weapons can be done usingĀ /stattrak register and will remove $5,000 from your total balance.
You can view the Stat-Trak by equipping the weapon or by using the command /stattrak inspect
You can also reset the Stat-Trak counter (when buying a weapon off the Auction House for an example) by using the command /stattrak reset and change the owner withĀ /stattrak changeowner - When disconnecting while being Combat Tagged (aka CombatLogging), the attacker receivesĀ 25% of your total balance.
- CombatLoggingĀ will also leave a NPC that can be killed and your items redeemed. The location of theĀ CombatLoggerĀ will be broadcasted server-wide.
- Random Teleport (RTP) has been disabled in combat.
- Respawn Anchor overcharge explosions have been disabled.
- Elytra usage blocked in combat.
- Totem of Undying cooldown in combat (PVP-ONLYĀ andĀ 120s)
- Enderpearl cooldown in combatĀ (PVP-ONLY andĀ 5s)
- God Apple cooldown in combat (PVP/PVEĀ andĀ 30s)
- Golden Apple cooldown in combat (PVP/PVE andĀ 10s)
- Chorus fruit cooldown in combat (PVP/PVEĀ andĀ 10s)
Hopefully these changes bring new challenges to the battlefield and keep you all on your toes. Peace out!
- LeGreatPatrick
Last edited: 4 months ago