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Server Bugs Report Form [Use this when reporting a bug]
HundraKronor Head of Management
Executive Manager
3 posts
3 topics
5 months ago

Server Bugs Report Form

Please fill out the form below to report any bugs or glitches you encounter on the server. Make sure to provide as much detail as possible to help our team resolve the issue efficiently.

1. Username:
(Your in-game Minecraft username)
[Enter your username]

2. Date & Time of the Bug:
(When did the bug occur? Please include the exact time if possible.)

3. Location:
(Where did the bug occur? Example: spawn, a specific world, coordinates, etc.)
[Describe the location or enter coordinates]

4. Description of the Bug:
(Provide a detailed description of the bug or issue you encountered.)
[Describe the bug in detail]

5. Steps to Reproduce the Bug:
(If possible, describe the steps required to replicate the issue. This will help us troubleshoot more effectively.)
[Step 1...]
[Step 2...]
[Step 3...]

6. Screenshots or Video (Optional):
(Upload any relevant screenshots or video clips that demonstrate the bug.)
[Link to file or attachment]

7. Client Version:
(What Minecraft version were you using when you encountered the bug? Example: 1.19.4, 1.20, etc.)
[Enter your version]

8. Server Version (if known):
(If you know the server version, please provide it. Example: Spigot 1.19, Paper 1.20, etc.)
[Enter server version]

9. Mods or Resource Packs (if applicable):
(Were you using any mods or resource packs at the time? If yes, list them here.)
[List mods/resource packs used]

10. Severity of the Bug:
(On a scale of 1-5, how severe is this bug? 1 being a minor inconvenience, 5 being game-breaking.)
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

11. Additional Information:
(Anything else you'd like to add that could help us identify the problem?)
[Additional comments]

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug! Our team will review your submission as soon as possible.



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